Palm kernel shell is a well known biomass product because of it small in size and high in heat energy or calorific value. Palm kernel is kernel from oil palm fruit. After the oil palm fruit gone through the palm oil process, the kernel will be separated and kernel oil will further be distilled.
Palm kernel shell (PKS) is actually the by-product from palm oil industry, before the era for palm kernel shell being used as biomass, the oil palm owner will bury the palm kernel shell underneath the land and let it becomes black colour palm kernel compost. This is sort of organic fertilizer but because of the hard shell, it takes much longer time for converting totally to organic fertilizer.
Introduction of Palm Kernel Shell
Palm kernel shell has gained it status as a biofuel resource for biomass product. It also classified as a renewable energy that complies with country energy regulation, such as Japan, Korea and Europe. Palm kernel shell also consider as the replacement for wood chip.
In Malaysia, biomass boiler is becoming popular due to design, maintenance and cost. Palm kernel shell is their first choice of biomass material then come after EFB pellet, wood chip, saw dust pellet, shredded EFB. We are not saying palm kernel shell is become scarcity however the supply really becomes a constraint as of current situation.
Specification for Palm Kernel Shell
1. Heat Energy/ Calorific Value: > 4.000 kcal/Kg
2. Inherent Moisture: < 20 %
3. Ash content: < 15%
4. Size: 4-20mm
5. Foreign materials (By visual): < 2%
Palm Kernel Shell Packaging
No dedicate packaging, palm kernel shell come in truck or barge.