Growth of EFB Pellet Industry

DST has been involving in pellet manufacturing since several years ago.  Especially while we started our business in EFB pellet, we have to spend substantial effort in introducing the EFB pellet to the biomass industry.

After so many years, we are seeing people aware of EFB pellet and know how to differentiate them from the wood pellet.  Moreover, we are seeing lengthy following comments leave in our post, especially we are seeing so many traders, manufacturers, or even pellet machine manufacturers leave their contact here.

Now is the beginning of year 2017, I would like to put up the top 10 companies prioritize by Google and Baidu after we perform the search for keyword “ EFB Pellet”.

Companies Involve in EFB Pellet

From the Google search engine, the top 3 results are from Malaysia EFB Pellet Manufacturer, which includes DST which having the website  The other 5 companies are pellet machine manufacturers from China.

From the Baidu search engine, companies register in Alibaba are getting a good ranking.  If we focus on a company with own website, 9/10 companies are pellet machine manufacturer from ChinaBiofuel Resource is the only pellet manufacturer from Malaysia that happens to appears from the Baidu search.

EFB Pellet
EFB Pellet

Both Google and Baidu search result has revealed that there are many China pellet machine manufacturers in the market.  They are not only having good technology in producing quality pellet machines but also having good position in search engine.

EFB Pelleting Process

So many pellet machine manufacturers had to put their resources into studying how to manufacture quality EFB pellets.  From their study, we believe they should be able to see the differences between wood pellet and EFB Pellet.

Empty fruit bunch (EFB) is the raw material of EFB pellet but it has much to involve if want to produce pellet.  After so many years working with the EFB pellet manufacturer, the pellet machine manufacturer has better knowledge of the EFB pelleting process.  With this knowledge, we are seeing significant improvement on the pelleting machine.

As compare to the pelleting machine several years ago, most of the current pelleting machine builds with the latest technology and improve on the certain deficiency.  The EFB pellet produce from the latest pelleting machine should achieve better product quality.

Potential of EFB Pellet

Even though EFB pellet becomes more acceptable in biomass industry however there are still a huge marketing gap if compare with wood pellet.  Entire biomass industry bias to wood pellet more than EFB pellet.

Even though Malaysia has substantial amount of shredded EFB, however only a small fraction is used to produce EFB pellet.  Most of the shredded EFB is used for biomass in raw form.

Since we are seeing more advanced EFB pellet machines available in the market, hence we expect more people could participate in manufacturing EFB pellet In Malaysia or Indonesia.  With everybody’s contribution, we believe EFB pellet could have better acceptance in the biomass market.

Well Know EFB Pellet Manufacturer in Malaysia

Empty fruit bunch or EFB is one of the common biomass commodity in Malaysia.

EFB Pellet manufacturer process setup
EFB Pellet manufacturer process setup

Turning EFB fibre into EFB pellet is getting many manufactures’ attention in Malaysia.  There are more and more EFB pellet manufacturers in Malaysia as we are seeing the demand of this EFB pellet is increasing.

Air pollution is one of the severe topic that affecting human living nature.  The latest claim from China is about the terms of Beijing Cough.  Basically this terms imply that China is facing severe challenge on airborne contamination.  Reducing the particulate discharge to the air is one of the direction for improving the air quality.

EFB pellet can be used to replace coal for heating purpose.  EFB pellet not only deliver high heat energy but also reduce the particulate discharge to the air.  Please read EFB pellet general introduction.

Why Malaysia is Popular in EFB Pellet Manufacture

EFB fibre is the raw material for EFB pellet.  Oil palm industry is the main argriculture crops in Malaysia, many plantation has been converted to oil palm estate.  EFB is one of the discarded product from crude palm oil mail, EFB contribute 20% out from a fresh FFB.

For an ordinary crude palm oil mill, every hour there will be 15MT of EFB being discarded after crushing for palm oil.  The EFB will go through EFB palletizing process for manufacturing become EFB pellet.  Because of the large volume of EFB, this has make Malaysia becomes an EFB pellet manufacturer.

Other Factor Becoming EFB Pellet Manufacturer in Malaysia

Apart from EFB fibre, the electric tariff also another factor that make Malaysia suitable for EFB pellet manufacture.

The EFB pellet machine basically is using mechanical force to compress efb fibre become pellet, this process requires electric to make the motor turn.  Hence, electric tariff contribute a major portion of EFB pellet cost, since Malaysia maintain a low electric tariff, this make Malaysia having the advantages for setting up pelletize process.

Contact DST, the EFB Pellet Manufacturer in Malaysia

There is an increasing efb pellet manufacturer in Malaysia, and DST is one of the pioneer on efb pellet manufacturer in Malaysia.  We supply the EFB pellet and saw dust pellet to world wide market.

There are several reasons that makes DST is one of the key EFB pellet manufacturer in Malaysia,

  • Steady supply of EFB fibre.
  • Own logistic team for transporting the EFB pellet effectively and efficiently.
  • High performance pelleting machine setup.
  • Skill and knowledgable employee.


As a EFB pellet manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia, we are looking forward Malaysia will becomes one of the key exporters of EFB pellet for biomass power plant.  Please kindly write to DST for understand more about our pellet products.