Oil Palm Fibre Products and Biomass Commodities

Through-out our discussion with many readers, we come across several oil palm by products which causing ambiguity to some reader.  Over here, we would like to differentiate below few commodities so that we could be clearer what the commodity we need.

By-product of Palm Oil Process

  • EFB. EFB stands for Empty Fruit Bunch.  This refers to the raw bunch with no process.  The EFB from the oil palm mill always comes in wet form.  It also consists of small percent of oil which could be extracted further.  The fibre in EFB is very long.
  • Shredded EFB. The wet form EFB will send for press and shredded process, the product named as shredded EFB.  The shredded EFB still under wet form but the access water content has been squeezed out!  The oil content also being squeezed during this process.  After the shredded process, the core of the EFB will tear into shorter form, at this moment, the fibre extract from shredded EFB with the range 100-200mm length.
  • Long Fibre. Long fibre is the fibre extract from shredded EFB.  The fibre is more coarse and long than other part of oil palm fibre.  In most cases, the long fibre is always packed under bale form for export purpose.
  • Short Fibre. Short fibre is the residue fibre from palm fibre process.  Manufacturer will screen out the long fibre and the short fibre is the left over from the process.  Besides the length, short fibre is having very close characteristic as long fibre as they are going through similar process.  Short fibre moisture maintains at the range 12-15%, it is the best condition and raw material process to EFB pellet.
  • Mesocarp fibre. This is the fibre extract from the oil palm fruit.  The mesocarp fibre is short in nature however it is not same as short fibre as we explain in early section.  Because the mesocarp fibre is the fibre direct extract from the oil palm fruit, the fibre is length is about 20mm or shorter.  But the diameter is finer and much oily as compare to the short fibre retrieve from shredded EFB.

In Malaysia, there are many people trade the above commodities or oil palm by-product.  DST is one of the companies involved in above commodities for more than 10 years.   With above explanation about the terms, we hope that it will be better for everyone to communicate toward the same biomass commodity.

There are much more oil palms by product available besides the above commodities such as palm kernel, decanter cake, etc.  However over this article we only discuss some related to fibre category.  In future, we may talk more on other commodities.

Overview of Biomass in Malaysia

While we are moving toward urbanization and looking for better living standard, this has lead the increasing demand in energy.  This also apply to Malaysia.  In order to fulfill the energy gap, Malaysia government has come out several counter measures to encourage the use of renewable energy, this include biomass energyBiomass in Malaysia has recorded growth since pass few years, and the increasing trend is still continue.

Biomass and bioenergy are seeing considerable growth in years as general public and policy maker aware the inherent advantages of clean and green energy.  Among the renewable energy, biomass energy is one of the low cost per MW among other renewable energy source..

Why Malaysia Committed in Biomass Renewable Energy?

Biomass in Malaysia is referring to plant waste being converted to energy.  There are many ways for applying the biomass waste as renewable energy, now we are seeing more choices with better efficiency and effectiveness.  Pelletizing is one of the process converting the biomass into more efficient pellet, such as efb pellet and saw dust pellet.

Target increase of biomass energy in South-East Asia

In overall Sourth-East Asia, there are about 15% of electrical energy was derived from biomass, and we targeted the figure should rise to 25% by the year of 2020.  The same trend also apply to Malaysia.

Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Phillipine and Indonesia are expanding their biomass development in it own country.  Thailand is the South-East Asia country having the largest renewable energy derive from biomass energy.  However biomass energy in Malaysia also project increase substantially for next 10 years.

Biomass Prospect in Malaysia

The raw material of biomass in Malaysia could always refer to oil palm waste, sugar cane, peddy husk and wood-chipOil palm waste in Malaysia is the largest contribution among those biomass.  Due to large availability and various form of biomass material in Malaysia, this has promote Malaysia having a good platform to develop it biomass industry.

Malaysia pellet manufacturer has gained more attention in worldwide biomass market.  The resourceful of biomass commodity, technology and government incentive scheme has make the country has more export in pellet.

Biomass Target in Malaysia

For year 2010, the renewable energy in Malaysia achieve 510MW, and biomass energy contribute 470MW of energy.  This has shown that the country is heavily relly on biomass for renewable energy.  In year 2030, the biomass energy in Malaysia will increase to 1525MW.

DST as one of the biomass supplier in Malaysia, we have taken the opportunity to expand our biomass production line from raw biomass material into pelletize biomass product.  We are very confident customer could select suitable biomass commodity from our comprehensive product line.

We also committed to work with our customer to provide high quality biomass commodity.

Biomass Glossary

Anaerobic digestion: Degradation of organic matter by microbes in the absence of oxygen to produce methane and carbon dioxide

Bagasse: Residue remaining after extracting a sugar-containing juice from plants like sugar cane

Biodiesel: A biodegradable transportation fuel for use in diesel engines. Biodiesel is produced through the transesterification of organically-derived oils or fats. It may be used either as a replacement for or as a component of diesel fuel.

Bioenergy: The production, conversion, and use of material directly or indirectly produced by photosynthesis (including organic waste) to manufacture fuels and substitutes for petrochemical and other energy-intensive products.

Biofuels: Biofuels:  Liquid fuels and blending components produced from biomass feedstocks, used primarily for transportation. Biomass converted to liquid or gaseous fuels such as ethanol, methanol, methane, and hydrogen.

Biogas:  A gaseous mixture of carbon dioxide and methane produced by the anaerobic digestion of organic matter.

Biomass: Biomass is any organic matter including forest and mill residues, agricultural crops and wastes, wood and wood wastes, animal wastes, livestock operation residues, aquatic plants, and municipal and industrial wastes

Capacity – The power/products that a machine or system can produce or generate safely.

Effluent: The liquid or gas discharged from a process or chemical reactor, usually containing residues from that process.

Feedstock: Raw material used for the generation of bioenergy and the creation of other bioproducts.

Gasification: A chemical or heat process to convert a solid fuel to a gaseous form

Grid: An electric utility company’s system for distributing power,

-Grid connection – Joining a plant that generates electric power to a utility system so that electricity can flow in either direction between the utility system and the plant.

Kilowatt: A measure of electrical power equal to 1,000 watts. 1 kW = 3412 Btu/hr

Landfill gas: Biogas produced from the natural degradation of organic material in landfills

Municipal solid waste:  Residential solid waste and some nonhazardous commercial, institutional, and industrial wastes

Pyrolysis:  The thermal decomposition of biomass at high temperatures (greater than 400° F, or 200° C) in the absence of air. The end product of pyrolysis is a mixture of solids (char), liquids (oxygenated oils), and gases (methane, carbon monoxide, and carbondioxide) with proportions determined by operating temperature, pressure, oxygen content, and other conditions

Residues, Biomass:  Byproducts that have significant energy or products potential from processing all forms of biomass.

Thermochemical conversion: The use of heat to change substances chemically to produce energy products

Transesterification: A chemical process which reacts an alcohol with the triglycerides contained in vegetable oils and animal fats to produce biodiesel and glycerin

Waste transfer stations: Facilities where municipal solid waste is unloaded from collection vehicles and briefly held while it is reloaded onto larger long-distance transport vehicles for shipment to landfills or other treatment or disposal facilities

Biomass Energy Resource from Malaysia

Even though Malaysia is a fossil fuel export country, but this does not stop the country from committing in developing renewable energy.  Malaysia is a country rich in biomass energy resource, many materials can easily convert to biomass.

Biomass Energy Resource
Biomass Energy Resource

There are several common biomass renewable energy in Malaysia, such as palm pellet, EFB pellet, EFB, palm kernel shell, wood chip and saw dust pellet.  In this article, we will discuss slightly more about the prospect for each biomass energy resource in Malaysia.

Biomass Energy Resources in Malaysia


EFB stands for empty fruit bunch discarded from palm oil mill.  The EFB will go through pressed and shredded process before it can be used as biomass power plant.  The shredded efb will always high in moisture and not favourable for shipping.

Palm kernel shell

Or in abbreviation PKS.  The palm kernel shell is a good biomass resource with high calorific value, low moisture and easy transportation and handling.  Unfortunately the supply of palm kernel shell is saturated.  A large portion of palm kernel shell has been used at local Malaysia market.

Mesocarp Fibre

This short and dry fibre is favourable in biomass for heat retrieve, however the volume is small and unable to support the biomass industry.

Rice Hust

This is the husk salvage from rice mill.  The rice husk is light and having high silica content.  Not very suitable for biomass.  Perhaps the light weight also not favourable for biomass boiler.

Coconut fibre

Most of the coconut plantation in Malaysia has been converted to oil palm estate, hence the coconut fibre is shrinking from year to year.  It left very limited coconut fibre available in the market.  Coconut fibre has not been used as biomass purpose.

Wood chip

Malaysia is a country cover with wood lodge.  The left over wood will send to crushing process for chopping it into chip form.  Wood chip is a renewable energy commodity however the re-planting is taking longer time before the tree mature.  The wood chip volume is at decreasing stage meanwhile price is getting higher.

Wood pellet

The raw material of wood pellet is saw dust, so it also name as saw dust pellet.  Wood pellet is resemble as wood chip.  It provides similar heating effect and function as wood chip.  However the price of wood pellet is getting higher.

EFB pellet

This is the new pellet product manufacturer at Malaysia.  The shredded EFB will go through EFB pelletize process for making EFB pellet.  EFB pellet consider relatively new as the biomass commodity for biomass market.  Due to it availability, we foresee EFB pellet will become one of the major biomass energy choices in the market.


Malaysia is the country rich in tree and many others agriculture commodities, many commodities has been widely used as the biomass energy resources in Malaysia.  Oil palm is one of the larger agriculture products and many researches / application has developed for converting the by-product of palm oil waste into biomass commodity.  The prospect of oil palm related biomass energy resource is bright as it has becomes major sustainable energy in Malaysia and world wide market,

Well Know EFB Pellet Manufacturer in Malaysia

Empty fruit bunch or EFB is one of the common biomass commodity in Malaysia.

EFB Pellet manufacturer process setup
EFB Pellet manufacturer process setup

Turning EFB fibre into EFB pellet is getting many manufactures’ attention in Malaysia.  There are more and more EFB pellet manufacturers in Malaysia as we are seeing the demand of this EFB pellet is increasing.

Air pollution is one of the severe topic that affecting human living nature.  The latest claim from China is about the terms of Beijing Cough.  Basically this terms imply that China is facing severe challenge on airborne contamination.  Reducing the particulate discharge to the air is one of the direction for improving the air quality.

EFB pellet can be used to replace coal for heating purpose.  EFB pellet not only deliver high heat energy but also reduce the particulate discharge to the air.  Please read EFB pellet general introduction.

Why Malaysia is Popular in EFB Pellet Manufacture

EFB fibre is the raw material for EFB pellet.  Oil palm industry is the main argriculture crops in Malaysia, many plantation has been converted to oil palm estate.  EFB is one of the discarded product from crude palm oil mail, EFB contribute 20% out from a fresh FFB.

For an ordinary crude palm oil mill, every hour there will be 15MT of EFB being discarded after crushing for palm oil.  The EFB will go through EFB palletizing process for manufacturing become EFB pellet.  Because of the large volume of EFB, this has make Malaysia becomes an EFB pellet manufacturer.

Other Factor Becoming EFB Pellet Manufacturer in Malaysia

Apart from EFB fibre, the electric tariff also another factor that make Malaysia suitable for EFB pellet manufacture.

The EFB pellet machine basically is using mechanical force to compress efb fibre become pellet, this process requires electric to make the motor turn.  Hence, electric tariff contribute a major portion of EFB pellet cost, since Malaysia maintain a low electric tariff, this make Malaysia having the advantages for setting up pelletize process.

Contact DST, the EFB Pellet Manufacturer in Malaysia

There is an increasing efb pellet manufacturer in Malaysia, and DST is one of the pioneer on efb pellet manufacturer in Malaysia.  We supply the EFB pellet and saw dust pellet to world wide market.

There are several reasons that makes DST is one of the key EFB pellet manufacturer in Malaysia,

  • Steady supply of EFB fibre.
  • Own logistic team for transporting the EFB pellet effectively and efficiently.
  • High performance pelleting machine setup.
  • Skill and knowledgable employee.


As a EFB pellet manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia, we are looking forward Malaysia will becomes one of the key exporters of EFB pellet for biomass power plant.  Please kindly write to DST for understand more about our pellet products.

New to Biomass Briquettes?

General Introduction of Biomass Briquettes

Many readers are new to biomass briquettes.  We should have heard about coal briquette which use in many power plant boiler.  Briquette technology will give direct impact on coal performanc

Palm Fibre Briquette - Biomass Briquette
Palm Fibre Briquette – Biomass Briquette

e, same for biomass briquette.

In coal briquette, binder is added so that the coal powder will be compressed becoming a large scale of composition.  A briquette is definitely better in term of actual heating as it will retain the heat.  In Malaysia, the biomass industry has developed biomass briquette and biomass pellet for power plant industry.  Palm fiber briquette is the biomass briquettes manufacture at Malaysia.

Biomass Briquette also a Renewable Energy

Raw material use for briquette is determining if the briquette is biomass.  In most of the briquette, people are using leaf, saw dust, straw and branch pressing for briquette.  Those are biomass material hence the briquette also classified as biomass briquette.

In Malaysia, we have another source of biomass, palm fibre.  The palm fiber will be used to fabricate palm fiber briquette.  The palm fiber will be inserted to the briquette machine and after compress; a briquette with diameter around 70mm, 200mm length is fabricated.

Biomass Briquettes and Pellet

There is an EFB pellet or biomass pellet which also made from palm fibre, both are available for biomass commodity market.  EFB pellet is normal a pellet size with diameter 6-8mm, however a briquette come in larger size around 50-80mm for diameter.

There are many comparison studies between biomass briquettes and pellet however both should serve similar purpose.  Because of it smaller size, biomass pellet is suitable for many industrial biomass boilers without special design in input grate.  Biomass boiler field engineer should check the input grate if it is suitable for biomass briquettes which come larger in size.  In most case, we could commonly see biomass briquette in biomass power plant.

Advantage of Biomass Briquettes

Biomass briquette is very good in term of retaining heat for the power plant boiler.  The dense inner core may able to maintain consistent burning rate.  However the dense core also becomes the discrepancy because of insufficient burning.

There are other designs of biomass briquette with inner hole, this is mainly to improve the air flow and ensure sufficient burning in the boiler.


DST is supplying several type of biomass briquette in the market, currently we are focusing in palm fiber briquettes for biomass boiler.  For interested party, you are welcome to contact us or drop us a mail and check about our biomass briquettes.