Palm Pellet Choices

There are many variety of palm pellet available in biomass market, namely EFB pellet, Mesocarp pellet, oil palm tree trunk pellet.  Among all, EFB pellet is widely known in the market.  Apart from the palm pellet, there is also palm briquette.

EFB Pellet
EFB Pellet

The differences of Palm Pellet

The main difference for various type of palm pellet is named after difference raw material used.

EFB Pellet.

The raw material for EFB pellet is empty fruit bunch discarded from crude palm oil mill.

Mesocarp pellet.

Mesocarp is not a commonly know term by majority.  Mesocarp fibre stands for the fibre from the oil palm fruit.  This is a short fibre.

Trunk pellet.

The raw material is oil palm tree trunk after demolish from the oil palm estate.  In ordinary condition, oil palm estate will carry out re-planting after the oil palm tree reach 20 years, the demolish palm tree trunk can also send to pelleting factory for doing trunk pellet.

Palm Pellet Pelleting Process

Regardless any oil palm waste material, the waste will go through series a comprehensive pelleting process in order to manufacture quality pellet product.  The pelleting process could be simplified to crushing, drying, pelleting, cooling and packing.  For details elaboration, please refer to palm pellet pelleting process.

Why Malaysia becomes Famous Palm Pellet Manufacturer

Malaysia is a country with rich of oil palm product.  EFB contribute the major portion of overall oil palm waste.  There is 20 million ton of EFB available in Malaysia, most of the abundance EFB being used as raw biomass material or retrieving long fibre for mattress or fibre board.

Due to the constrain and increase in fossil fuel price, we are seeing the needs for converting EFB into palm pellet.  Palm pellet is a more efficient heating energy compare to raw EFB.  There are several well establish palm pellet manufacturer in Malaysia and we estimate 1 million ton of palm pellet per year suppling to the market.

Apart from the raw material availability, technical and R&D are another 2 major factors making Malaysia a palm pellet manufacturer in this district.  Malaysia government or MPOB has invested substantial amount every year in researching and developing new application.

Oil palm waste has becomes an importance biomass commodity and it derivative product such as EFB fibre, palm pellet, palm briquette will more suitable for oversea market.  Palm fibre contribute a huge portion of biomass energy in Malaysia.

DST is supplying biomass commodity such as palm pellet, efb pellet, palm briquette and palm kernel shell to worldwide market.  We welcome any enquiry about your biomass needs.

Biomass Energy Resource from Malaysia

Even though Malaysia is a fossil fuel export country, but this does not stop the country from committing in developing renewable energy.  Malaysia is a country rich in biomass energy resource, many materials can easily convert to biomass.

Biomass Energy Resource
Biomass Energy Resource

There are several common biomass renewable energy in Malaysia, such as palm pellet, EFB pellet, EFB, palm kernel shell, wood chip and saw dust pellet.  In this article, we will discuss slightly more about the prospect for each biomass energy resource in Malaysia.

Biomass Energy Resources in Malaysia


EFB stands for empty fruit bunch discarded from palm oil mill.  The EFB will go through pressed and shredded process before it can be used as biomass power plant.  The shredded efb will always high in moisture and not favourable for shipping.

Palm kernel shell

Or in abbreviation PKS.  The palm kernel shell is a good biomass resource with high calorific value, low moisture and easy transportation and handling.  Unfortunately the supply of palm kernel shell is saturated.  A large portion of palm kernel shell has been used at local Malaysia market.

Mesocarp Fibre

This short and dry fibre is favourable in biomass for heat retrieve, however the volume is small and unable to support the biomass industry.

Rice Hust

This is the husk salvage from rice mill.  The rice husk is light and having high silica content.  Not very suitable for biomass.  Perhaps the light weight also not favourable for biomass boiler.

Coconut fibre

Most of the coconut plantation in Malaysia has been converted to oil palm estate, hence the coconut fibre is shrinking from year to year.  It left very limited coconut fibre available in the market.  Coconut fibre has not been used as biomass purpose.

Wood chip

Malaysia is a country cover with wood lodge.  The left over wood will send to crushing process for chopping it into chip form.  Wood chip is a renewable energy commodity however the re-planting is taking longer time before the tree mature.  The wood chip volume is at decreasing stage meanwhile price is getting higher.

Wood pellet

The raw material of wood pellet is saw dust, so it also name as saw dust pellet.  Wood pellet is resemble as wood chip.  It provides similar heating effect and function as wood chip.  However the price of wood pellet is getting higher.

EFB pellet

This is the new pellet product manufacturer at Malaysia.  The shredded EFB will go through EFB pelletize process for making EFB pellet.  EFB pellet consider relatively new as the biomass commodity for biomass market.  Due to it availability, we foresee EFB pellet will become one of the major biomass energy choices in the market.


Malaysia is the country rich in tree and many others agriculture commodities, many commodities has been widely used as the biomass energy resources in Malaysia.  Oil palm is one of the larger agriculture products and many researches / application has developed for converting the by-product of palm oil waste into biomass commodity.  The prospect of oil palm related biomass energy resource is bright as it has becomes major sustainable energy in Malaysia and world wide market,

Malaysia Pellet Supplier

Biofuel Resource is a Pellet Supplier from Malaysia
Biofuel Resource is a Pellet Supplier from Malaysia

There are many pellet manufacturers and supplier in the world, this include Malaysia.  Malaysia is a country with resourceful of renewable energy commodity, such as EFB fibre, saw dust, straw, rice husk and wood chip.  This has make Malaysia a source of pellet supplier.

Empty fruit bunch or EFB has only be used as Malaysia local biomass commodity but not favourable for exporting market.  This is because this EFB is high condensated product and not favourable for exporting and also heat generating is low.  The pelletize process be able to convert the EFB into EFB pellet.  Perhaps, the pelletize machine also can convert saw dust into valued pellet commodity.

Why Malaysia famous as Pellet Supplier

There are many pellet suppliers in the world, every company deal within their talent and capability for the region.  If you are looking for EFB pellet, or palm fibre biomass briquette Malaysia is one of the best pellet manufacturer and supplier for world wide market.

EFB pellet is making from the source of EFB.  Malaysia is the country with sufficient EFB volume in order to support the market demand.  Many EFB pellet manufacturer is setting up in Malaysia for supplying pellet to biomass industry.

The electric tariff and management quality awareness also another good reason Malaysia will becomes the good pellet manaufacturer.

DST, The Pellet Supplier from Malaysia

DST is one of the pellet supplier from Malaysia.  Currently we have EFB pellet and saw dust pellet or wood pellet supply to the market.  Due to the high demand of pellet commodity product, DST has ong relation with several famous oil palm mill around the country in order to secure the EFB.  We also having several contracts as acquire the source of saw dust.

DST is resourceful in supplying EFB pellet and saw dust pellet for domestic and overseas market.  Feel free to contact DST and understand more about our pellet product manufacture from Malaysia.

The Demand of Biomass Pellet in Malaysia

Due to the shortage and constraint for fossil fuel and coal, pellet has become an ideal energy alternative for biomass power plant.  Many countries already involved in manufacture and supplying pellet for market.

Pellet has been introduced to the market for several years, and recently Korea and Japan has enforced in green gas discharge.  Pellet is having the nature of fulfill green emitted gas or no fume discharge during burning processes.  Many pellets supplier from Malaysia has shipped to Japan and Korea market.


There are also others pellet supplier from Malaysia apart from DST,  you are welcome to check with any one of them to understand more about the pellet quality, EFB pellet price and delivery arrangement.

Advantages of EFB Pellet

Scientis and engineers have never stop looking for new substitution energy source, especially explore the possibility of renewable energy.  Biomass is one of the renewable energy which has been widely promote and EFB pellet is one of the new commodity for biomass.

Not many people in the market aware about EFB pellet however they do aware of saw dust pellet or wood pellet which originate from discarded saw dust.  The EFB fibre go through pelletize machine and process, the products becomes EFB pellet.

EFB Pellet
EFB Pellet

What is the advantages for EFB pellet?

EFB Pellet Generate Low to No Smoke during Burning Process

Smoke and fume discharge during the burning process is one of the key contributor for air pollution, however the EFB pellet will not generate smoke during the burning process.  This is because the pellet is a dense and dry substance which will introduce full combustion without discharge smoke or fume.

EFB pellet is a Renewable Energy Source

EFB fibre is a renewable energy  and same to EFB pellet which also made by the EFB fibre.  More over, the pelletize process also involve eletric energy, hence the pellet shipping from a country to another country also imply the export of electric current.

Haven’t said that, Malaysia electric tariff is much lower than many other countries such as Japan & Korea.  While exporting the Malaysia local made pellet to Japan also imply Japan is enjoying competitive electric tariff as in Malaysia.

EFB Pellet is Easy in Handling, Transportation and Storage

The 6 to 10mm diameter with length <30mm pellet will be packed in a jumbo bag.  The small size and high density also ensure every jumbo bag could weight around 700kg per bag.  The jumbo bag could be transfer from one place to other via truck or container without wasting too much empty space.

A 20 feet container is able to store around 28MT of EFB pellet.  The jumbo bag could steadily pile up in the store for storage purpose.  A 20ft container is able to store more EFB pellet than palm fibre briquette.

EFB Pellet Deliver Consistent Burning Efficiency

EFB pellet will be easily burn and fully converted to ash.   The pellet which put into the biomass boiler grate will thoroughly combust.  6 to 10mm diameter pellet will ensure the inner core portion of the pellet fully burn and not left any uncombust portion.  An EFB briquette may need to have dedicated inner hold design in order to promote the combustion process.

EFB Pellet is Turning Waste to Usable Energy

Malaysia is one of the country with many discarded Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) with very minimum usage.  Converting EFB fibre to EFB pellet has awarded Malaysia as one of the EFB pellet manufacturer.  EFB pellet is one of the application to make full use of EFB fibre which initially with low to no use.  The loose EFB fibre is thin and light which is not very favourable for generating heat.


EFB pellet is the compressed pellet from EFB fibre, it is a dense pellet which very suitable for combustion and heat retrieve.  The smoke free during the combustion also means the EFB pellet is a good renerable energy source that will not not discharge airborne contaminant to the environment.  By comparing between EFB pellet and coal, EFB pellet has much less particulate discharge during the combustion process.

Use EFB Pellet as Renewable Energy

EFB pellet is a clean, low cost which able to provide high heating energy for home or industrial use.

EFB pellet classified under carbon neutral product, or also classified as renewable energy.

EFB Pellet
EFB Pellet

EFB pellet it is a compressed cylindrical pellet size with 6mm or 8mm diameter in general.

Renewable energy is referring to the energy comes from nature resource.  Natural resources refer to solar, wind, tide, rain and also biomass.

Why EFB Pellet Refer as Renewable Energy?

Before we answering this question, let us understand what biomass stand for.  Biomass refers to the organic matter such as wood, timber and crops that burn to generate heat and energy.  Empty Fruit Bunch or EFB also part of the biomass use for this purpose.

In order classifying biomass as renewable energy, user needs to replant certain tree or plants in order to trap the carbon oxide discharge in the air during the burning or combustion process.  By doing so, the ecological system will reach a balance stage of carbon neutral stage.

Wood is one of the typical types of biomass people can think off.  But apart from wood, there are other crops such as straw, rice husk, leaf.  In Malaysia, there are Empty Fruit Bunch discards from palm oil process also consider as biomass.

Since EFB pellet is built from the source of Empty Fruit Bunch, hence it also consider as renewable energy.

The difference between Wood Pellet and EFB Pellet

Saw Dust Pellet
Saw Dust Pellet or Wood Pellet

Wood pellet is a compressed pellet from saw dust, sometime it also name as saw dust pellet.  However EFB pellet is the pellet compressed from EFB short fibre.  The EFB pellet is mainly used in commercial or industrial power plant.  We are seeing the increase market share for EFB pellet because current biomass boiler design is able to adapt this EFB pellet.  Interested reader could refer EFB palletizing process for the more process details.

Even though wood pellet classified as renewable energy but growing up a tree may take longer time than chopping it down.  We are seeing volume constraint shows by saw dust pellet, and EFB pellet should be the good substitution for this needs.

Where to by EFB Pellet?

Malaysia definitely is one of the EFB pellet supplier or manufacturer.  There are many companies in Malaysia start manufacturer EFB pellet.  DST Technology is committed in supplying EFB pellet for oversea market.  All interested EFB pellet buyer are welcome to contact DST for inquiry, or write us a mail at


EFB Pellet has no doubt becomes popular in current market; we foresee the demand for EFB pellet is increasing in near future.