Empty fruit bunch or EFB is one of the common biomass commodity in Malaysia.

Turning EFB fibre into EFB pellet is getting many manufactures’ attention in Malaysia. There are more and more EFB pellet manufacturers in Malaysia as we are seeing the demand of this EFB pellet is increasing.
Air pollution is one of the severe topic that affecting human living nature. The latest claim from China is about the terms of Beijing Cough. Basically this terms imply that China is facing severe challenge on airborne contamination. Reducing the particulate discharge to the air is one of the direction for improving the air quality.
EFB pellet can be used to replace coal for heating purpose. EFB pellet not only deliver high heat energy but also reduce the particulate discharge to the air. Please read EFB pellet general introduction.
Why Malaysia is Popular in EFB Pellet Manufacture
EFB fibre is the raw material for EFB pellet. Oil palm industry is the main argriculture crops in Malaysia, many plantation has been converted to oil palm estate. EFB is one of the discarded product from crude palm oil mail, EFB contribute 20% out from a fresh FFB.
For an ordinary crude palm oil mill, every hour there will be 15MT of EFB being discarded after crushing for palm oil. The EFB will go through EFB palletizing process for manufacturing become EFB pellet. Because of the large volume of EFB, this has make Malaysia becomes an EFB pellet manufacturer.
Other Factor Becoming EFB Pellet Manufacturer in Malaysia
Apart from EFB fibre, the electric tariff also another factor that make Malaysia suitable for EFB pellet manufacture.
The EFB pellet machine basically is using mechanical force to compress efb fibre become pellet, this process requires electric to make the motor turn. Hence, electric tariff contribute a major portion of EFB pellet cost, since Malaysia maintain a low electric tariff, this make Malaysia having the advantages for setting up pelletize process.
Contact DST, the EFB Pellet Manufacturer in Malaysia
There is an increasing efb pellet manufacturer in Malaysia, and DST is one of the pioneer on efb pellet manufacturer in Malaysia. We supply the EFB pellet and saw dust pellet to world wide market.
There are several reasons that makes DST is one of the key EFB pellet manufacturer in Malaysia,
- Steady supply of EFB fibre.
- Own logistic team for transporting the EFB pellet effectively and efficiently.
- High performance pelleting machine setup.
- Skill and knowledgable employee.
As a EFB pellet manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia, we are looking forward Malaysia will becomes one of the key exporters of EFB pellet for biomass power plant. Please kindly write to DST for understand more about our pellet products.
How are EFB from Indonesia’s palm oil mills? Any opportunity to follow Malaysia as producer of EFB pellet? Thanks and regards.
Definitely there is a possibility for the EFB at Indonesia converted to EFB pellet. Because EFB pellet is new commodity in the market, a lot of learning need to carry out.
Our company specilizes in manufacturing pellet machines and pellet line for making pellets.
I am pleasure to answer your questions about pellet machines and pellets.
Hi, may I have a detail of your EFB pallet machine?
Thank You
Dear Sir , we need to buy efb pellets for our own use , monthly quantity would be at least 2500 tons for 5 years contract , can you please suggest me some supplier either in malaysia or indonesia . please help us would really appreciate .
We are Capital co base in UOB Building Singapore. We have source of EFB to collect and supply in large qty but we need plant who have interest to process this into pellet. with our Co responsible overseas market. we look for Road map that can benefit both parties
Good to hear that there is a capital company who want to participate in renewable energy or EFB pellet sector. I think the future for renewable energy is remarkable.
Are you still in position to off take efb pellets?
We are considering to do the project as we have own cpo mills and plantation in Sumatera, Indonesia.
Please contact me directly.
I would like to order EFB or Saw dust pellet from you. How much your production per month. Can you provide me the pellet specifications.Visiting your plant is much appreciated.
Thank you.
hi there, i am currently liaising with EFB supplier in Pahang. Do you mind sending me an email on the natter above. if you are still keen in sourcing for supply
Dear sir, are you interested in raw EFB still? I am in process of supplying EFB in Pahang. Do send me an email if you are interested at kanto_sharkfang@hotmail.com
Dear readers,
I have a big stock of raw EFB from various palm oil factory in Pahang.
If you interested to buy in bulkor in contract basis, I’m willing to give a good offer.
017 6776640
I want to know about replacing of EFB pellet with coal in ferro manganese proccess.can you give me more information in this regard.
thank you
I have been working with several palm oil plantation companies in Indonesia to build EFB factory. The potential is great. I was wondering if we can have cooperation to establish this particular business. We assume you have the market already and also the technology. Whereas we are here ready for the efb supply. Please respond accordingly. Thanks
HI Harry,
I would plan to start up the EFB business. If you interested you can send private mail to me.
Increasing EFB pellet demand in Malaysia and around the world is very encouraging and shows people are becoming wiser in their energy choices. We encourage others to manufacture EFB Pellets by supplying EFB Fiber
Hi, The Manager, I would like to order EFB pellet from you and export to Japan. Can you provide me the pellet specifications.Visiting your plant is much appreciated.
Thank you.
From Kowa Trade
HI, would like to explore more. Although it is few years back. Still looking for EFB pellet?
I am looking forward for 10,000 ton EFB pellet on monthly basis. Please contact me for further discussion.
Those who are interested on EFB pellet / plant can contact me at biomasshub@gmail.com
Pls send me new price for EFB pellet and specification