EFB Pellet is not a new biomass product available in the market. It has been promote in the market to act as another alternative of biomass commodity. Unfortunately EFB pellet still not widely accept by most buyer.
In this article, we will review the basic differences for EFB pellet vs. wood pellet. Further more, we will share some of our expereince and thought why we think EFB pellet should gain high potential in renewable energy sector.
EFB Pellet or Wood Pellet?
DST has been in renewable energy sector for several years, we know the strength and potential of biomass commodity in available in Malaysia especially Malaysia government had launched 1MBAS project not long ago. The country is looking at biomass to generate 30million Ringgit in year 2020. Through our pass experience, we receive more inquiry about wood pellet instead of EFB pellet, why this happen?

Wood pellet has been in the biomass market for many years, especially Korea and Japan biomass sector has accepted wood pellet in their power plant. EFB pellet was initially invented acting as a substitution of wood pellet. Since we talk about substitution, we have compare both commodities from several aspects, such as pricing, specification, reliability and sustainability.
In order to turn EFB firbe into EFB pellet, the pellet manufacturer has to setup a pelletize process which mainly cover these steps:
- De-humidified
- Drying
- Cutting into size or grinding
- Pelletize
The process is pretty straight forward however involve substantial amount of energy. This has make the EFB pellet cost maintain at higher level as compare to wood pellet. Another draw back for EFB pellet is high ash content as compare to Wood Pellet.
Is EFB Facility Over Size?
We have involved in EFB pellet and other biomass commodity for more than 10 years, we are seeing the progress for this industry. From our perspective, many pellet manufacturers no matter in Malaysia or Indonasia are over optimistic about this commodity.
We learn through out the manufacturing process which we are very clear about the process challenge. Pelletize EFB fibre are totally difference than pelletize saw dust. We got to have the appropriate process setup in order to manufacture a quality product.
Over optimistic about the EFB pellet has cause many pellet manufacturers invested in the industry, but at the end find out insufficient customer order to maintain the operation. I feel sad while I am putting up this statement but this is the fact.
What is the Potential for EFB Pellet?
Pelletize EFB fibre is a matual technology and what we lack off is the marketing part. Many people still consider EFB pellet as a commodity for biomass. As EFB pellet manufacturer, we have to broaden our perspective or even strectch out our sense if we want to elevate the potential of EFB pellet.
Besides the manufacturer, Malaysia government should play an important role on promoting EFB Pellet in the world. Malaysia government has setup a department, NBS, National Biomass Strategy to chair the biomass activities. We really hope this department could bring our EFB pellet to worldwide.
If we always limited ourselves on replacing wood pellet with EFB pellet, I think this is a lose game for EFB pellet. EFB pellet should have wider and broader potential if we are able to adopt this commodity in other application.
Do u think Efb pellet would be more price competitive than wood pellet?
Costing is still one of the key factors for entrepreneur to consider while come to select the appropriate biomass commodity.
From pricing aspect, EFB pellet is having very close price range if bench mark with wood pellet.
Even though the EFB pellet involve additional 1 process as compare to wood pellet, but we are still able to get a competitive price from thepelleting process.
As biomass user, we still prefer wood pellet other than EFB pellet.
We totally agree wood pellet is still the widely accept renewable energy in the commodity market. EFB pellet comes in the picture as wood pellet is getting scarcity and the price is getting higher.
Secondly, Malaysia government has implemented 2020 Biomass Initiative to promote biomass commodities from the country. EFB pellet is one of the choices among those commodities.
As a biomass user, as far as my concern, we believe you will start exploring EFB pellet in your plant as it definitely will getting more famous where time goes.